Fast-16™ 是一种紧凑但高性能的实时定量 PCR 系统。 Fast-16™ 配备了多通道荧光光学系统,每次运行的吞吐量为 1-16 个样品。 Fast-16™ 最适合需要便携性、最小空间和快速获得结果的应用。
Fast-16™ 便携式迷你 PCR 机适用于床旁分子诊断测试 (POCT)、食品安全和环境测试、农业或工作台空间有限的研究实验室等应用。
Portable & Compact
Portable light weight
Run PCR tests anywhere
No calibration required
Cost Effective
Affordable configurations
Low cost solutions
Integrated Software (No PC required)
High Performance
High sensitivity with 1-16 samples per run
Multiple fluorescent channels
Walk-away automation
Fast-16™ provides exceptional sensitivity, specificity, and a broad dynamic range for detecting target nucleic acids. This makes it a powerful tool for a wide array of research applications, spanning from basic biology to translational medicine and applied biology. It enables you to leverage the power of qPCR across various applications.