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LipidFlex™ 脂质纳米颗粒和脂质体制剂 

Lipid nanoparticle LNP
LipidFlex T cell kit wo bkg
LipidFlex™ 是一种三组分脂质混合物。 

LipidFlex™ 可直接用于生成用于小分子封装的脂质体。除了不同的阳离子/可电离脂质,LipidFlex™ 还可用于生成脂质纳米颗粒 (LNP),用于封装小分子和核酸,如 mRNA、DNA、蛋白质等。

LipidFlex™ Pack 套件包括 LipidFlex 和可电离脂质 (SM102)

 Benefits of RNA-LNP Products

Enhanced delivery

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Facilitate more efficient uptake of RNA by cells, leading to higher levels of protein expression.


High encapsulation efficiency

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Encapsulation Efficiency (E.E.%): >80% (>95-99% w. optimized conditions)

Reduced immunogenicity


Improve the safety and efficacy of RNA-based therapies and vaccines.

High stability

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Protect RNA from degradation by enzymes and other factors, allowing for improved delivery of the RNA to the target cells.


mRNA LNP cell transfection experiment data flex s data

GFP expression in K562 (left) and HepG2 (right) cell lines after48 hours treated by eGFP mRNA-LNP 

LipidFlex Kit

Accelerate your LNP Formulation Development

In Vitro


Quickly screen LNP formulations for cellular uptake and viability

In Vivo


Understand the localization of your payloads complex

Scale-up and Optimization

Leverage insights & our expertise to refine LNP formulations for scale-up studies


  • In vitro or in vivo expression and distribution

Evaluate delivery of mRNA ( eGFP, FLuc, mCherry, etc.) for in vitro transfection

Evaluate LNP uptake with conveniently labeled lipophilic dyes

  • Analytical or process development

  • Experimental control reference


nanoparticle synthesis, liposome, DNA encapsulation, LNP, lipid nanoparticle, Lipid NP, nanogenerator, precigenome, mRNA LNP, drug delivery, precision medicine , flex, pro, formulation, research

Online Order


Application Notes


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Lipid nanoparticle applications and technical notes



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Lipid nanoparticle publications 



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Articles related the Lipid nanoparticles 


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